Logo of the Museum of Magnetic Sound recording - preserving recording history




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Tour our collection! 

We offer seven hours of 50 video segments via download about our collection and the history of magnetic recording available at this link.

ORDER THE VIDEO FILES ON LINE - was 14.95  NOW only $9.95

There are 50 QuickTime H264 854 X 480 files in this download.  Play on MAC OS or Windows Media Player

We provide 48 hours during which to download the files. After that the file access will expire.  Once the files are downloaded they are yours to keep.

© 2018 Museum of Magnetic Sound Recording  •  Webmaster • All pictures and content on this web site are the property of the Theophilus family,the Museum of Magnetic Sound Recording and reel2reeltexas.com • Photos of items in our collection are available for sale. We do NOT provide copies of ads, nor photos from other sources! All photo work is billed at studio rates and a deposit is required.


Statistics 20142015  •  News coverage #1  News coverage #2  • view overview video of tape recorder collectionmobile videomore info

Museum press articles and releases


Press Coverage

Austin Monthly article by Lynne Margolis on the Museum. Country Line is a MOMSR donor!

How you can help create a permanent recording tech and music museum in Austin, Texas