CREDITS - MOMSR 10/1/2012 to 12/31/2017 (non- profit dissolved 12/31/17) NOTE: some donors have been added that donated to the collection after MOMSR was dissolved.
A very special thanks to my wife Chris Theophilus who initiated this collection with the gift of the Edison cylinder player. Chris has helped carry many heavy tape recorders to our second floor studio and collection display. She's also put up with endless hours about tape recording.
Of course Chris does have her horse stable.
To my parents who always supported my pursuit of recording and allowed me to build a recording studio into their home.
Also, thanks to everyone who provided content or perspective to this production!
And to our Board of Directors who worked from 2012 to 2017 to make the permanent public facility a reality! Unfortunately support for the project was not forthcoming.
Martin Theophilus, Museum of Magnetic Sound Recording
Founding Donors of the Museum of Magnetic Sound Recording
The Metzner Family - Esther Metzner, Robert Metzner & Richard Metzner • Richard Metzner's comments • Beverly Hills, CA
Space Rehearsal & Recording Studios • Austin, Texas 
Jon Neiss - Texas Music Magazine, Big Bend Records, Austin Signal 
Dr. Eric J. Porter, MD. - collector and enthusiast of reel to reel tape recorders as well as other tape recording equipment • Lima, Ohio
Jim Swift - Austin, Texas radio and television personality
Ed Helvey- Audio Producer & Audio Systems Designer and Integrator
Financial Donations to the 2012 - 2017 non-profit Museum of Magnetic Sound Recording
Neil Armitage
Lance Backhouse
Joel Block - The Block House studios
Country Line Magazine Sandra & T.J. Greaney
Lloyd Cates - architecture design
Mark Cearley
Richard Diehl
Eric Desrochers
Janice Edmond
Susan Floyd - Texarchivist
Jim Gro
Ed Helvey
Jamie Hilboldt
Jonathan Horne
Susanne Huber
Richard Hubert - Joel Tall
Lance Backhouse - Australia
Mary & Mike Murray
Larry Ober
Sharon & Anthony Perez |
David Perkoff
Phantom Productions, Inc.
Randolph Petren
Dan Rankin
Elton Robertson
Stephen Schmidt
William "Bill" Schoenborn
Ron Sutherland UK
Steve Tanamachi
Chris & Martin Theophilus
Richard Paul Thomas
Bruce Truitt
Christian Vandecasteele, Italy
Conny Viljehammar, Sweden
Mary & Neil Vince
Liz & Bennie Wallace
Pat Washburn
Richard Yale
Andrew Zaretsky |
Contributors Note: The private Theophilus / collection was begun in 1999 and 98% of the collection was purchased since 1999 using personal funds.
contributors to the private Theophilus collection are denoted by the "R2R" and the Museum by "MOMSR"
3M recorder history - Dale Manquen at MANCO R2R
Accurate Sound Company, Ron Newdoll - Ampex information R2R
AEG FT4 one of the earliest reel to reel magnetic tape recorders from late 1930's - photos donated by Liudvikas Ragauskis of Lithuania
AES Robert de Godzinsky Helsinki AES - European recorder resource - MOMSR
Akai / Roberts Information, Richard Diehl R2R
Akai reel to reel tape recorder, Akai documentation for reel to reel tape recorders and accessories donated to the Museum by Jayne & James Allen in memory of Jim and Dee Allen Holly Lake Ranch, TX
Akai photos - Akai 33D & 220R photos by Dave Hutton from his collection, as seen on Steven L. Bender’s Akai Web site R2R
Akai Stereo Terecorder manual donated by John Lamberty
Christine Albert, Chair of the Board of Trustees; National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences information & referrals R2R &" MOMSR"
Altec 639B (1940's) microphone with Voice of America flag photos provided by Ron Hummel, Radio Producer and Vintage Microphone Collector
American Telegraphone Company information - William "Bill"Schoenborn
Ampex 010 Recorder/Reproducer photos provided by Thory Monsen
Ampex ATR-124 photos and video with permission from Blake Olmstead, Dollhouse Productions
Ampex AX-300 brochure donated by Donald R. Resor Jr.
Ampex professional reel to reel tape recorder donated by Bert Tenkate
Ampex 200A relay unit photos courtesy of Michael Nezis, Athens Greece
Ampex 200A brochure - the recordist
Ampex 300 with 402/403 electronics information Uriel Tsachor R2R
Ampex 400 built for the military photos provided to MOMSR by Ed Wilmart , The Obsolete Sound, Lowell, IN
Ampex 600 photo on the USS Growler, the first nuclear-armed sub (1958) in crew cabin "Ships Entertainment System" - Dan Blumenthal
Ampex 600 photos - smooth gray finish - Jon Gaines
Ampex Reel Tape Recorder with cover and 2 new Ampex 456 7" reels of tape - Richard Schaaf
Ampex - AG 20 - Jim Walsh information R2R
Ampex & Bing Crosby Enterprises - Robert Phillips - information R2R
Ampex Video Flxible Eyebrow Starliner 1958 video demo bus - photos provided by Larry Blomberg
Ampex manuals and ads R2R
Ampex details & Ampex repair information, Wayne Gunn R2R
Ampex donations, John King - Communications Director, City of Dallas R2R
Ampex History - Tapesonic - Kenneth A deGruchy Jr R2R, Fox TV, WNYW TV, NY, Ch 5, DT44
Friend of Les Paul who helped repair and restore the octopus (Ampex 8 track)
Ampex repair information, George Schowerer R2R
Ampex Archives - Stanford University, Henry Lockwood, Curator for the Ampex Collection Stanford - information - MOMSR
Ampex parts - Art Shifrin
Ampex S.A. Nivelles, Belgium Assembly Plant photos shared by Miriam Himelfarb
Ampex, Stephens, 3M, Nicholas Douhovnikoff, Engineer, California information R2R
Ampex UK, Tony Arnold -historical information - MOMSR
Anthony Stevens - Motion Picture Magnetic recording documentation manuals - MTE (Magnatech), Westrex, and RCA Film Recorders
Audio Engineering Society information R2R & MOMSR listing in education and museum resources
Audio Village Equipment Brokerage R2R
Austin City Limits - David Hough, Audio Director R2R & MOMSR interview
Austin Monthly magazine - Austin Music Museum - Lynne Margolis MOMSR
Peter Balint - recording history from Edison to Ferrograph, ReVox, Uher and Teac
Bastrop Advertiser - Johnny Adams, writer - news story January 2005 - R2R
BBC - Roger Wilmut, BBC, EMI content photos information - MOMSR
Bell tape recorder donated to our collection by Chuck Heger R2R
Ray Benson & Asleep At The Wheel - Interview at Bismeaux Studios
Berlant Concertone L-69 Losser Pad was donated to our Museum by Jonathan Horne R2R
Berlant/Concertone/Teac History, Jerry Norton R2R
Berlant/Concertone 93 photos Charles Moore R2R
Billboard - information R2R & MOMSR
Joel Block - The Block House studios - donation and interview about his audio recording history
Blue Rock Studio - Dodee & Billy Crockett - Rupert Neve interview at Neve 5088 console dedication MOMSR
Bob Bullock State History Museum - Margaret Koch, Deputy Director & Exhibits Director - information & consultation MOMSR
Bruinell MK 5 reel to reel tape recorder manuals - Brian Parker - UK
Brenell tape recorder, information R2R
Brent van Vuuren - Animation of ReVox A77 on YouTube
Broadcast engineering Magazine - Brad Dick, Editor - Blog summary regarding MOMSR
Bruel Kjaer 7001 photos - Stephen J King Fl
Brush BK 313 VRW-1 wire reel to reel recorder - U.S. Navy - photos provided by Brett Goggin Minot, ME
Brush BK 313 VRW-4wire reel to reel recorder - U.S Navy - photos provided by Judy Dalton
Brush BK 401 story - Robert Moehle
Brush tape recorder- Marilyn Weston MOMSR R2R
Brush BL-301 vibration transducer - donated by Dave Meyers
Brush Development Company photos of A.P.Dank contributed by his Grandson Michael Dank
Brush Phonograph photos, Rich Flacks-Long Island, NY R2R
Capitol Records - Paula Salvatore, Senior Director - Ampex 200A -R2R
Center for Texas Music History - Gary Hartman - information and consultation - MOMSR
Cetec Gauss information - Gregory Battaglia
Phillip Chance, Phillip Chance MD, MA, Emeritus Profesor - Viking 96 - photos
University of Washington, School of Medicine, Elite Sound Service
Technical Director/Member, Seattle Wind Symphony, Seattle WA US
Columbia Records vintage custom Recording console photos - William Neshov R2R
Concertone 507-2 two track reel tape recorder with 2 Concertone amplifiers in their original boxes donated by Conrad Gates R2R
Arthur J. Cox - extensive information about Oberlin Smith who is credited with the first theories on magnetic recording. web site more
Country Line Magazine Sandra & T.J. Greaney - contribution and article MOMSR
Crown 824 reel tape recorder donated by Dr. Charles Davis R2R
Crown CX-844 professional reel to reel tape recorder photos provided by Peter Frei
1966 Crowncorder audio ad clip donated by The Atchison Growneys
Ellis Dawson, Jr. - donation of photos from 30 years of collecting mics
Decca photos "Decca Tree" design c1956-7 - first stereo 6 channel FFRR valve microphone mixing consul - Neville Jones .Manchester England
Audio Devices and Tapesonic scans and information - donated by Kenneth deGruchy
Dennis Schrank Calrad VM12 photos R2R
Denon GB-707A-GRIFFIN photos donated by Ethan Brizendine of Ham and HiFi located in Sparks, Nevada
Larry DeVivo provided Presto ads, information and photos as he's in the process of recreating a 1960’s 3 track studio
Dokorder photos, TechNextDoor R2R
Martin Dombey - 3M Mincom information and brochures
Doug Pomeroy - information on Kornél Tolnai and photos of his Tolnai 16 track mono logging recorder R2R
Edison Envoy recorder - John Chadwick - R2R
EDITall - Joel Tall - personal papers and photos donated by Joel Tall's daughter Benita Kaplan R2R
EMI BTR 4 and EMI RE 301/E.reel tape recorder photos - Danny White
Evolution of the Audio Recorder by Phil Van Praag - information R2R
Ferrograph 4A photos & specs R2R - Michael Clemens
Floyd Domino - video Interview - MOMSR
Fostex B-16 reel to reel tape recorder photos provided by Donald Lisdon
Fox News Austin - Chip Walton - News coverage 2005 - R2R
Ernie Gammage - information and referrals - MOMSR
Vladimir Fedotenko - Sony EL-8D ElCaset recorder photos
Tamie Glass, UT Architecture - interior design resources and donation - MOMSR
Peter Halferty - Centennial of Sound USPO stamps - Elvis Presley covers - Music industry memorabilia MOMSR R2R
Ed Helvey- Audio Producer & Audio Systems Designer and Integrator - Mitsubishi X-80 ProLogic, razor blade editable, 1/4" stereo, PCM digital reel to reel recorder
Penny Hendricks - Early Teac TD-7520, TD-105, R-110 R2R
Here, There and Everywhere book personally signed by by Geoff Emerick (Beatles Engineer) and Howard Massey information NARAS presentation Austin City Limits R2R
Heritage Auctions/ Mach Schau Photos & Story - The Beatles Portable Reel To Reel Tape Recorder Used At The Star-Club, Hamburg With a Tape Recording of The Beatles
James Hinkle - information and referrals - R2R
History of Magnetic Recording by Steven Schoenherr, University of San Diego R2R
Jim Humphries - monitary donation for repair and maintenance of our collection
Hungarian Tape Recorder Museum - links and information - Gold Tibor - MOMSR R2R
If These Halls Could Talk - A Historical Tour Through San Francisco Recording Studios, Heather Johnson R2R
Impact Music Library R2R
iStockphoto R2R
Johnny Goudie - How Did I Get Here Podcast MOMSR R2R
Jon Neiss - Texas Music Magazine, Big Bend Records, Austin Signal - Texas Music Magazine ad MOMSR
Sam Kruse - Elcaset tape
KXAN - Jim Swift - 2013 news story MOMSR
KXAN - Erin Cargile - 2014 follow-up to Jim Swift's coverage MOMSR
Nick Landis - interview at Terra Nova Mastering Studios
Michael Leader - BBC - Pro audio - stories and history
Magdalen Livesey - crating and shipping donation
Lynne Margolis, writer - Austin Monthly Magazine article MOMSR
Lyrec tape recorder images - Jakob • Denmark
Magnecord, Dave Boyers and his Dad, J.S. Boyers, one of the founders of Magnecord - Magnecord prototype - MOMSR
Magnecord - Hal Layer information & early Magnecord film 1947 R2R
Magnecord / HeathKit 1020 reel tape recorder donated by Larry Grover
Magnecord Phonola photo donated by Nilesh Matade
Magnetic Recording (1949), S.J. Begun information R2R
Magnetic Recording: The First 100 Years, Eric D. Daniel, C. Denis Mee & Mark H. Clark R2R
The Magnetophon, Dr. Detlef Bunk, Germany information R2R
David Mansfield - Philips 8990 237 79669 tapes for 1960/70s Philips recorder still in original cases and unused
Mary and Michael F. Murray - monetary donation MOMSR
McIntosh console with Ampex Fine Line F-44 photos provided by Brian at Wooster Vintage Audio
Eugene Leon Mleczko - ELM Laboratories - history interview of the ELM-1 professional reel tape recorder
Mellotron - information, photos and video provided by Doug Berg
Miles Reproducer Co., Inc. Walkie-RecordALL photos were provided to our Museum by Tim Lind
Ted Miller - donation of Roberts tape recorder and Superscope C-202 LP cassette recorder and misc R2R tapes
Mix Magazine information R2R
MOMSR Board member - Lloyd Cates - MOMSR
MOMSR Board member - Michael F. Murray - MOMSR
MOMSR Board member - Christine Theophilus - MOMSR
MOMSR Board member - Martin Theophilus - MOMSR
MOMSR Board member - Bennie Wallace - MOMSR
MOMSR Board member - Thomas P. Washburn - MOMSR
David Moore - Concertone photos R2R
Steven Moore, UT Architecture professor- consultation and referral - MOMSR
Music Business Handbook and Career Guide, David Baskerville, Ph.D. information R2R
Music Bakery licensed music donated by Phantom Productions, Inc. R2R
Musi-Pak photos donated by Bob Gathany
James Nance - Magnevox TR-101 101314
Nagra SN comments contributed by Richard Schiller
Nagra Kudelski Synchronisateur SLP No 63 187c donated by Bill Erpelding
National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences information & referrals R2R
National Recording Preservation Foundation Executive Director Gerald Seligman - cooperation - MOMSR
Neve - Rupert Neve - Neve history and stories MOMSR
William Newton - Ampex 600 restoration
Don Nattinger - donation of Crown and Sony reel tape recorders R2R
Sandra Olson Bell & Howell tape recorder MOMSR
Open-reel Tape Recorder Museum Foundation - Hungary MOMSR
Otari and Teac tape recorders, reel to reel tapes and an antique speaker donated by the Hugh Sparks Estate
Otari, Japan - T. Hora - "Otari History Resources" "We are proud as last producer of professional tape recorder. And we still can manufacture MX-5050 according to the inquiries." R2R
Rheem/Roberts/Califone 3100 tape recorder photos - Bill Freund
Rusty Paul - Les Paul's son - information MOMSR
Paul A. Rich - Valdemar Poulsen photos
Pectoral Guide To Tape Recorder Repairs, Forest Belt R2R
Pentron Dormiphone photos donated by Joseph Lo Monaco R2R
Sharon and Anthony Perez - review and content comments - strategic planning - MOMSR
Alan Perez - Museum logo - MOMSR
Perfecting Sound Forever, An Aural History of Recorded Music, Greg Milner R2R
David Perkoff - referrals and information R2R & MOMSR
Phantom Productions, Inc.'s vintage archive and monetary donationR2R
Phillip Van Praag - The Evolution of the Audio Tape Recorder & Museum interview MOMSR
Malcolm Polard, Australia- Beyer microphone photos R2R
Valdamar Poulsen Morse Key photos donated by Paul Rich R2R
Mark Powell -1st recording contribution- MOMSR
Presto photos and information - Alan Graves R2R
Presto D7 photos - donated by John abuck280 R2R
Preservation Sound - Chris, R2R
Production Block/The Block House - Joel Block - interview, information and donation MOMSR
RCA RT-21D Professional reel tape recorder photo donations - Wally de Jongh
Jim Rankin - Vintage radio information - MOMSR
Recordio information by Timothy Kastner R2R
Recording Studio Handbook, John M. Woram R2R's library of vintage catalogs and magazine ads R2R
Reelsound Recording - Malcolm Harper - Video interview - information and referrals - MOMSR
Revere M 2 (MII) cartridge recorder YouTube video shared by retired TV broadcast engineer. Richard Sigurdson
Rheem Tape Recorders, Nathan Luoto R2R
Richard Diehl - monetary donation MOMSR
Roberts Model 144 photos - Jim McEwan R2R
Roberts 997 photos - Larry Joubert R2R
Roberts Model 997 /iPod Conversion, W. B. Morton R2R
Roberts Recorders/Califone/Rheem, Richard Metzner and his Dad, Robert Metzner, who founded Roberts Recorders/Califone MOMSR
Rola Recorders Australia - photos and information - Peter O'Neil
Roy Hill - Wire recording R2R
Russian Ukraine reel tape recorder - donated by Sergei Zamascikov - The unit was given to Sergei by Naum Rabinovich (who passed away in2012). The recorder was brought to the US when he immigrated in 1978. MOMSR
The Signature Music Library R2R
Schaub Lorenze Stereo 600 4" tape recorder radio photos - Richard Greg II R2R
Scully Tape Recorders - Remy Ann David, Crow Mobile Recording - extensive documentation MOMSR
Scully 601 photos - Jamaica Music & Film LTD. Ewen Shadeed
Bob Shuster, R2R
Sony - Made In Japan, Akio Morita with Edwin M. Reingold & Mitsuko Shimomurn R2R
Sony reel to reel tape recorder donated by Brent Dahl
Sony Superscope, Fred Tushinsky R2R
Sony Superscope stories and history - Paul Trethewey
Sound Recording - The Life Story of a Technology, David L. Morton, Jr. R2R
Spectone - Michael Rogge, Collecting Cinematographica, UK R2R
Stellavox Tape Recorders - Kostas Metaxas - video of Georges Quellet, Stellevox - MOMSR
Stephens Electronics - Rod Stephens Studer ReVox Harman R2R
Paul Stubblebine - The Tape Project - engineering history interview
Studer A820 photos - Joseph "Joe" Bader R2R
Studer J37 professional reel to reel tape recorder photos provided by Roumen
Studer Revox T-27 ads - Peter Holenstein R2R
Studio Stories by David Simons R2R
Sugar Hill Studios, Houston - Dan Workman - released story about museum in studio newsletter MOMSR
Superscope (Sony/Superscope) stories and history - Paul Trethewey
Doug Swartout - UK WW II Cine Sound Recording referral to The Telegraph UK
Tandberg Model 5 reel to reel tape recorder donated by Brent Dahl
Tandberg reel tape recorder - Dr. Bruce A. Sommer - used to record Aboriginal language material in the far north east of Australia MOMSR
Tandberg Model 64 donated by Curt Thompson
Tandberg TCD 3004 Cassette Deck photos donated by Max Willauer
Tape-Athon 702-7 7 inch reel tape player - Photos provided by Brett at the Larson Becker Co., Bavaria, IL
TapeOp the Creative Recording Magazine R2R
Tape Recorder Guide, Robert & Mary Marshall R2R
Tapesonic - Premier Electronics - Kenneth de Gruchy
- ads and information
Tapesonic - Premier Electronics - Dmitriy Shvetsov & Harry Kolbe R2R
Tascam Jim Swift - radio and television personality - donation of Tascam professional reel to reel tape recorder
Tascam 35-2 photos donated to MOMSR by Amanda Leigh
Tascam 388 Manual donated by Francisco Cariaga
Teac Corporation, Marketing Headquarters - Mike Morimoto - Teac history and photos
Teac 400 photos - John J. Via
Teac and Otari reel to reel tapes and an antique speaker donated by the Hugh Sparks Estate
Teac Early Years - Liam Kingsmill R2R
Teac R-310 professional recorder used by UKs Pirate radio - research for Ian Anderson - photos by David Kindred
Teac Series 50 T-3413 A photos contributed by Dirk van Tamelen
Telefunken photos - Wojcek Czern/Rogalow Analogowy Studio - Poland
Telegraphone - Gaylord Ewing donated photos of his Telegraphone shown in Wire Recorders
Texarchivist - Susan Floyd - Nov 2013 article on MOMSR
Texas Film Commission - Heather Page, Director - information and consultation - MOMSR
Texas Music Museum - Dr. Clayton Shorkey, Director - TMM Board discussions & information - MOMSR
Texas Music Office, the State of Texas Governor's Office - Casey Monahan - MOMSR & R2R
Christine and Martin Theophilus - monetary donations and MOMSR Board member MOMSR
Time Warner & David Murphy - donation of Tascam 22-2 reel tape recorder R2R
Tonschreiber photos, Mr. S. E. Blacklock, Vintage Recorders, United Kingdom R2R
Tonschreiber photos, Per O Christiansen, Norway R2R
Bruce Truitt - RCA IYC-11 Cartridge recorder 1958-1964 R2R
Diane and Jerry Tubb - interview at Terra Nova Mastering Studios
US Library of Congress - information - R2R & MOMSR
USPO Centennial of Sound Recording stamps, cover and memorabilia - Peter T. Halferty MOMSR
Vanity Fair Electronics Corp. Magnetic Phonograph Recorder photos donated by Mark A. Williams Or kinksfanforever from Denver
Tom Vernon - video interview - MOMSR
John Viehweg - information and Sony Walkman donation R2R
Viking 85 with one of the very first transistorized Record/Play amplifiers - designed, built and donated to our Museum by Larry Grover
Viking / Telex information - Chris McColm - The Viking 433 stood for 4 track 3 motors and 3 heads
Vintage Vacuum Audio - Misc reel tape recorder ads - Yves Beauvais R2R
Wright & Weaire Ltd. (London, England) > Ferrograph - George Boston
Webcor - Bill Carpenter, Webcor - 1959 - 1965, Ampex 1965 - 1996 R2R
Webcor recorder Donated by Eric J. Redemann R2R
Webster Chicago wire recorder donated by Johnny and Lena Pate R2R
Webster Chicago photos, Mike Scholtz, R2R
Western Electric microphone photos provided to MOMSR by Steve Fisherman.
Marilyn Weston - Donation of her Dad's (Walter Murdoch) Brush 433 reel to reel tape recorder MOMSR R2R
Wikipedia - information - R2R & MOMSR
David Winter FT4 Magnetophon machine photos R2R
Wollensak Recorder History and Guide by: Stenkbomm R2R
Yahoo Reel to Reel Forum - information - R2R & MOMSR
Yahoo Reel to Reel Forum - - information - R2R & MOMSR
Your Tape Recorder, Robert & Mary Marshall R2R
Larry Zalar - Tascam ATR-60 16 track recorder photos