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Interviews and Stories
Preserving the stories of significant individuals in sound recording generally and magnetic recording specifically is a major project of MOMSR. The Museum’s goal is to document the stories of those persons who contributed significant inventions, manufactured equipment and who engineered and produced audio recordings, especially in the areas of music, broadcast, film/video and science. These interviews will be available on MOMSR’s web site and in the permanent facility when it is created. These interviews have also been made available to the Audio Engineering Society (AES) and the National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences (Grammy’s).
Teac - Tascam
The Museum of Magnetic Sound Recording greatly appreciates Liam Kingsmill providing us with the following information on Teac
In 1959 I worked with the original TEAC engineers at Far East Network, Tokyo. I was invited by them to their humble shop near Tokyo Bay to see their latest creation. It was the original prototype stereo TEAC 1/4" Reel-to-Reel. The model for it was the AMPEX 300 series which we all worked with daily at FEN.
Our conversation was around the idea of marketing the recorder in the United States. My idea was to focus on small radio stations which could not afford an Ampex 350 costing more $1200 at the time.
Hindsight shows my choice not to help the company entry to the U.S. was a very wrong one.
It was interesting to see your early TEAC.
Liam Kingsmill

Photos of the Far East Network
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News coverage #1 News coverage #2 • view overview video of tape recorder collection • mobile video • more info