Lyrec Manufacturing A/S

Lyrec Manufacturing A/S was founded i1945 in Skovlunde Denmark. They began by building Synchronous motors, general purpose motors for turntables and disc cutters.

Here is a list of many of Lyrec's products
1945 SYN A1 Synchronous motor, general purpose motor for turntables and disc cutters.
W25 Disk cutting amplifier 15 watt.
A43 Cutter head.
1947 SV2 Disc cutting lathe, portable for live recordings on lacquer discs.
1948 SM3 Synchronous motor, second generation.
1949 SV2/W8 Disc cutting lathe (right), portable for live recordings on lacquer discs.
1950 TR1 LYREC's first tape recorder, portable (45 kg!).

1951 TR2 Improved version of TR1.
AG 40-2 Transcription turntable.
1952 TR4 Console version of TR2 (right), also accepting the new reel standard of 10½".
1953 SV7 Improved disc cutting lathe.
SM7 Improved synchronous motor.
1954 SV8 Disc cutting lathe stereo, of new design.
TR8 (left) Tape playback machine with pre listening heads.
1955 SM8 Final design of synchronous motor (left). SM8 was in production until 1976
and was used as drive motor also in cutting lathes from Neumann until 1976.
1956 DL 28 Transcription turntable.

1958 TR16 General purpose 1/4" tape recorder for broadcast applications (right). Available in mono or stereo.
TR18 Preview playback machine for disc cutting (left).
1959 TR21 Duplicating master for 1/4" tape reel-to-reel.
TR20 Duplicating slave for 1/4" tape, reel-to-reel. Duplicating ratio 4:1.

1960 TR33 Preview playback machine for disc cutting.
1961 TIM4 Mechanical precision tape timrer (right) used on a wide range of LYREC recorders.
The TIM4 was also widely used on Scully and Ampex recorders. TIM 4 was produced until 1981.
MX-6-2 Compact portable audio mixer. 
MP3 Studio mixing console.
1962 TR50 General purpose 1/4" studio recorder (left).
TR50-4 4-track studio recorder for 1/2" tape.
SV10 Last version of LYREC disc cutting lathe. Produced in co-operation with Ortofon.
1963 TR60 General purpose 1/4" studio recorder.
1964 TR43 "NUCOUNT" Instrumentation recorder for radioactive research.
TR61 Correlation tape recorder. 7-channel FM recorder. IRIG standard.
1965 TR80 "MEDICORD" Instrumentation recorder for clinical applications.
1969 TR81 7 & 14 track data recorder. IRIG standard.
1971 TR53 Multitrack recorder, 4-, 8- or 12-track (right).
1972 TR86 Instrumentation recorder, 8-track on 1/4" (left).
TR53-16 Multitrack recorder 16 tracks on 2" tape.
TDU7202 Digital delay line. One of the first commercially available delay lines on the market.
1973 TR49 Open reel master for in-cassette duplication (left). Speed ratio 8:1.
CR4910 In-cassette duplicator, slave unit with 10 cassette stations, Speed ratio 8:1.
TR73 Speech compressor, tape deck with varispeed and automatic and fully electronic pitch control.
1974 TR53 Multitrack recorder with integrated sync mixer.(right)
1975 TR53-16/24 Multitrack recorder.

1976 TR54 Portable multitrack recorder for 4 or 8 track recordings.
49PMMS Dual pendulating open reel master for cassette duplicating. Speed ratio 8:1.
49P2S Twin slave unit for pancake cassette tape. Speed ratio 8:1.
1977 TR532 16 and 24 track recorder for 2" tape.
49PLM Loop bin type master for cassette duplicating. Speed ratio 16:1.
49P2S Twin slave unit for pancake cassette tape. Speed ratio 16:1.
TPC Computer controlled tape position controller for multitrack recorder TR532.
1978 P-2000 Release of duplicating system with a speed ratio of 32:1.
1979 ATC Second generation of computer controlled remote for multitrack recorder TR532.
1980 TR532 Mk II New design of multitrack recorder.
1982 TR55 (right) General purpose studio stereo recorder for 1/4 and 1/2" tape.
1983 FRED Special purpose editing tape deck. Small portable and lightweight.
Designed for playback and editing of 1/4" tape and replaces a complete control-room.
FRED is widely used by reporters, newsrooms etc.
1984 TR55-QC Quality control playback machine for cassette tape on pancakes. Bi-directional tape transport.
1985 P-2500 Release of new duplicating system with a speed ratio of 64:1.
Reel capacity increased to 14" reels. Dolby HX PRO incorporated in the record amplifiers.
1986 TR533 New generation multitrack recorders with 14" reel capacity.
A new faster tape deck particularly designed for synchronising in post production applications.
1987 HX PRO Dolby HX PRO recording system introduced in both model TR533 multitrack and model TR55 stereo recorders.
1988 TG-511 Step frequency test generator. An accessory for improved line-up procedure, particularly for duplicating equipment.
P-4400 New generation loop bin master, operating at tape speeds up to 480 ips. Full microprocessor controlled tape transport.

1989 FRIDA New compact general purpose studio tape recorder.
1990 The Lyrec company moves to new larger premises in Copenhagen industrial area.
1991 LOADERS Lyrec acquires Robotecnica and expands the duplicating program with the cassette loaders Kronos 4 and Tachos 90 B.
1992 DM-5400 Digital loopbin for speeds up to 64:1. High speed loading at 25:1 from S-VHS cassette.
P-2600 Release of new generation duplicating system with a speed ratio of up to 100:1.
A new type of record amplifiers allow duplicating of frequencies up to 18 kHz at 100:1
P-2600 Second generation Dolby HX Pro with protection against overload.
P-2600 Introduction of new PLL motor control system.
DCC Lyrec enters digital duplicating with a range of machines for DCC
(Digital Compact Cassette) in co-operation with Philips.
D-3000 Slave for recording digital DCC signals at 64:1 speed ratio.
TR55-DCC Quality control pancake checker for DCC digital tapes.
TACHOS 90C Cassette loader for DCC cassettes.
KRONOS 5 Cassette loader for DCC cassettes.
TR55-CT "Chip tester" a special unit used by Philips in the production of DCC components.
MINOS Semi automatic cassette loader.
FRIDA FRIDA '93, a new version including RS232 interface and 27 new features, all software controlled.
GEPRO II Introduction of a new two colour on body cassette printer using the dry offset method.
1994 DUPLICATING Introduction of 12 MHz bias system and duplicating at 128:1 on ferric tape.
1996 DM-5400 Digital loopbin now speeds up to 128:1. High speed loading using CD-Audio or CD-Rom.
1997 GEPRO I New one colour on body cassette printer using flexo printing method.
PINTO Flexo printer for compact disk. One or two colours.
DUPLICATING Duplication speed of 160:1 introduced.
1998 KRONOS 6 New improved version of Kronos 5 loader. Higher speed, new electronics.
WEGA (pdf) Semi Automatic wrapping machine for DVD, CD, CC or VHS cassettes.
1999 AM3 Automatic wrapping machine for DVD, CD, CC or VHS cassettes.
2000 Wega II (pdf)
Improved semi automatic wrapping machine for DVD, CD, CC, or VHS cassettes.
2001 AM4 Automatic wrapping machine for DVD, CD, CC or VHS cassettes.
DM-3300 Digital loop bin master
2004 DM-2400 Digital loop bin master (right)

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Photograph of (LYREC of DENMARK) 2007.
Jakob • Denmark
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